Thursday, January 27, 2011

Area Libraries are offering you the opportunity to make your own video with a chance to win some great prizes! Entries from each library will compete at a Red Carpet Event at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library on Saturday, March 5, 7:00pm. The winning entries will receive cash prizes and a traveling trophy for their local library! Also, the winning entry in the “Public Service Announcement” category will be sent to the statewide competition sponsored by the Idaho Commission for Libraries.

How it works:

Create your video(s) as a solo project or with a group of friends
Use the theme “You are Here” to convey the idea of being part of a diverse country and/or world where all are unique and important
Create a video for one or both categories Short Film: 3 to 5 minutes
Prizes: Up to $100 cash, and a trophy for your local library
Public Service Announcement: 30 to 90 seconds
Prizes: Up to $100 cash regionally, and a chance to be entered in the statewide competition with a $250 cash prize
Finally, don’t forget to submit your masterpiece to our “LibraryFilmFest” YouTube channel

Deadline for videos to be posted to the YouTube Channel (Both Categories)
February 25, 2011

Teen Film Festival Red Carpet Event (Both Categories)
Coeur d' Alene Public Library, March 5, 7:00pm

Statewide Teen Video Challenge (PSA)
Winner to be announced in April

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